Quantum Computational Methods in Hybrid Clacssial-Quantum Recommendation Systems
ISBN: 978-83-7842-530-4
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2023
Inżynieria oprogramowania w projektach grupowych W monografii zostały opisane doświadczenia związane z realizacją zespołowych projektów studenckich w odniesieniu do formy ich przygotowania, organizacji oraz realizacji z partnerami z branży IT. Ponadto przedstawiono elementy związane z pracą w zespole w powiązaniu z wybranymi elementami procesu wytwarzania oprogramowania. Omówiono proces kształtowania umiejętności pracy w zespole, który został opracowany na podstawie wieloletnich doświadczeń. Z obszaru metodyk, które spotyka się w docelowym środowisku pracy studentów, zostały wybrane te elementy, które wspierają kształtowanie pracy zespołowej w procesie wytwarzania oprogramowania. Elementyte funkcjonują w warunkach, w których zasoby dostępne dla studentów w warunkach akademickich uzupełnione zostająo zasoby wnoszone przez partnerów z przemysłu IT.
Niniejsza publikacja stanowi wsparcie dla osób prowadzących zespołowe projektystudenckie współrealizowane z partnerami z branży IT. W książce przedstawiono zbiór doświadczeń i mechanizmów wspierających realizację projektów zespołowych wypracowanych na przestrzeni kilkunastu lat realizacji projektów grupowych z przedstawicielami lokalnego i globalnego rynku IT. Materiał przedstawiony w książce odnosi się do obszarów związanych z inżynierią oprogramowania, metodykami realizacji projektów oraz organizowania i realizacji zajęć prowadzonych przy współudziale interesariuszy zewnętrznych.
ISBN: 978-83-7842-518-2
Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2023
Modern IoT Onboarding Platforms for Advanced Applications: A Practitioner’s Guide to KIS.METhis is an open access book. The book starts with an introductory IoT overview related to its selected scope of applications. There is no doubt that digitalization solutions from Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT) can be perceived as excellent candidate strategies capable of handling the above-stated issues concerning measurements and transparency. However, IoT tools themselves can provide appropriate data only, while their efficient integration and application are possible using a dedicated onboarding platform only. To settle this issue, the book undertakes the problem of modern IoT onboarding platforms for the advanced applications pertaining to manufacturing and logistics. In particular, instead of deliberating about a possible hypothetic platforms, an existing and efficient one is employed, which is called KIS.ME. KIS.ME (Keep It Simple. Manage Everything) is a complete IoT solution for a simple integration in manufacturing and logistics. It is composed of a set of hardware devices (KIS.BOX, KIS.IO and KIS.LIGHT), which are intuitively integrated with the cloud platform called KIS.MANAGER. Moreover, the entire platform is an open one, and hence, it enables communication with external services using KIS.API architecture. The application range of KIS.ME is extensive. This is due to the intuitive implementation and visualization of a user-defined key performance indicators (KPIs), which constitute effective optimization measures. Thus, the potential areas of application of KIS.ME are, e.g., manufacturing, warehouse management and logistics. Indeed, triggering and/or ordering various tasks can be immediately and efficiently implemented with KIS.ME. Such an approach translates directly to the savings of the time and energy. Subsequently, a gradual introduction to KIS.ME platform is presented, which constitutes the base for further advanced applications including logistics, control and maintenance of various processes. Finally, the potential of KIS.API communication framework is utilized for an efficient communication with external services.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-33623-2, Springer 2023
Recent Developments in Model-Based and Data-Driven Methods for Advanced Control and DiagnosisThe book consists of recent works on several axes either with a more theoretical nature or with a focus on applications, which will span a variety of up-to-date topics in the field of systems and control.
The main market area of the contributions include:
Advanced fault-tolerant control, control reconfiguration, health monitoring techniques for industrial systems, data-driven diagnosis methods, process supervision, diagnosis and control of discrete-event systems, maintenance and repair strategies, statistical methods for fault diagnosis, reliability and safety of industrial systems artificial intelligence methods for control and diagnosis, health-aware control design strategies, advanced control approaches, deep learning-based methods for control and diagnosis, reinforcement learning-based approaches for advanced control, diagnosis and prognosis techniques applied to industrial problems, Industry 4.0 as well as instrumentation and sensors.
These works constitute advances in the aforementioned scientific fields and will be used by graduate as well as doctoral students along with established researchers to update themselves with the state of the art and recent advances in their respective fields. As the book includes several applicative studies with several multi-disciplinary contributions (deep learning, reinforcement learning, model-based/data-based control etc.), the book proves to be equally useful for the practitioners as well industrial professionals.)
ISBN: 978-3-031-27539-5, Springer 2023
Fractional Dynamical Systems: Methods, Algorithms and ApplicationsThis book presents a wide and comprehensive spectrum of issues and problems related to fractional-order dynamical systems. It is meant to be a full-fledge, comprehensive presentation of many aspects related to the broadly perceived fractional-order dynamical systems which constitute an extension of the traditional integer-order-type descriptions. This implies far-reaching consequences, both analytic and algorithmic, because—in general—properties of the traditional integer-order systems cannot be directly extended by a straightforward generalization to fractional-order systems, modeled by fractional-order differential equations involving derivatives of an non-integer order. This can be useful for describing and analyzing, for instance, anomalies in the behavior of various systems, chaotic behavior, etc. The book contains both analytic contributions with state-of-the-art and theoretical foundations, algorithmic implementation of tools and techniques, and—finally—some examples of relevant and successful practical applications.
ISBN: 978-3-030-89972-1, Springer 2022
Logic Synthesis for VLSI-Based Combined Finite State Machines: Synthesis Targeting ASICs, CPLDs and FPGAsThe book is devoted to design and optimization of control units represented by combined finite state machines (CFSMs). The CFSMs combine features of both Mealy and Moore FSMs. Having states of Moore FSM, they produce output signals of both Mealy and Moore types. To optimize the circuits of CFSMs, we propose to use optimization methods targeting both Mealy and Moore FSMs. The book contains some original synthesis and optimization methods targeting hardware reduction in VLSI-based CFSM circuits. These methods take into account the peculiarities of both a CFSM model and a VLSI chip in use. The optimization is achieved due to combining classical optimization methods with new methods proposed in this book. These new methods are a mixed encoding of collections of microoperations and a twofold state assignment in CFSMs. All proposed methods target reducing the numbers of arguments in systems of Boolean functions representing CFSM circuits. Also, we propose to use classes of pseudoequivalent states of Moore FSMs to reduce the number of product terms in these systems. The book includes a lot of examples which contributes to a better understanding of the features of the synthesis methods under consideration. This is the first book entirely devoted to the problems associated with synthesis and optimization of VLSI-based CFSMs. We hope that the book will be interesting and useful for students and PhD students in the area of Computer Science, as well as for designers of various digital systems. We think that proposed CFSM models enlarge the class of models applied for implementation of control units with modern VLSI chips.
ISBN: 9783031160264, Springer 2022