Applications of computer graphics

Contemporary computer graphics is a dynamic area of research within the field of computer science, covering many aspects ranging from multimedia applications in popular entertainment media (e.g., computer games, special effects in films) to scientific visualizations or medical imaging.

In our research, we focus on selected elements of modern computer graphics. An important research task is a broadly defined problem of calculating and use of color profiles, from measurement acquisition (including fotometric and spectrophotometric
techniques) of input (scanners) and output (printers, TVs, monitors etc.) to data processing and optimization of the quality of the resulting color profiles. Another crucial task is the problem of proper calibration of devices (with particular attention paid to TVs and computer monitors) prior to the profiling process. Additionally, we are interested in the modelling of color reproduction for input-output devices (e.g. ,projectors, TVs, monitors, printers).

The extraordinary popularity of artificial intelligence methods is also reflected in the research conducted on the problems of space and three dimensional object reconstruction applications using machine learning techniques. Research is also being conducted on correct and effective use of input and output devices in augmented and virtual reality applications.

In our work, artificial intelligence is also being introduced into techniques for modeling 3D objects and their animation. This approach allows significant improvements of this process, both in speed and quality. In the era of widespread use of 3D printing and mixed reality environments (AR/VR), this is a key functionality in modern computer graphics applications.

The research activities are therefore focused on the following aspects:
• practical and theoretical aspects of broadly-defined color management and its applications in modern multimedia applications,
• reconstruction of the space and three-dimensional objects using machine learning techniques together with the neural radiance field and 3D Gaussian splatting approaches,
• applications of virtual and augmented realities, input/output devices which support interaction with virtual environments,
• three-dimensional modelling techniques.

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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18